About Me


I am Evren Üstün, graduated from Kocaeli University Computer Engineering Department and a iOS developer.

Things I Can Do

  • Swift
  • Swift UI
  • Java
  • Spring Framework
  • Git Version Control System




Key Responsibilities:
• I work as an iOS developer in the CEPTETEB İŞTE application.

Fitekno A.Ş


Key Responsibilities:
• Developing webpage
• Coding web API

Kocaeli University Computer Research and Application Center


Key Responsibilities:
• Developing websites
• Solving problem in student information system.
• Coding web API



• We have developed a project in line with the sustainable development goals.

Kocaeli University Embedded Systems Laboratory


• We have developed a website for Kocaeli University Hospital.


Charger App

This project has been prepared within the scope of Arçelik & Patika.dev iOS Swift Bootcamp.
In the project, it is aimed to make an appointment at the charging station points for electric vehicles.
The application has been developed with REST APIs offered by Arçelik.
The project was written in accordance with the MVVM pattern.
API requests are made with URLSession.
Local notification is used for sending notifications

Technologies: Swift, REST, Git & Github


This project was developed with Asp.Net MVC
The purpose of the project is to develop a web site for Dilmer Teachers that allows to teachers add questions for question pool. And also an admin user can assign tasks to teachers and can edit, send for revision or confirm questions that entered from teachers.

Technologies: .NET CORE 3.1, Entity Framework Core, MVC, Html, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Git & Github

Augmented Reality Based Head-Mounted Display for Human-Robot Interaction:

This project was developed with Unity.
We used C# in unity.
In this summer research program project, motion planning will be made for physical interactions between human-robot using a screened helmet (Hololens) working with the augmented reality principle
The aim of this project is to drill easily into places where people cannot reach with the help of robots and HoloLens.

Technologies: C#, Unity, Git & Github